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(1 edit) (+1)

Such a great game! You should definitely implement walls and navy troops!

Walls coming up next!

no esta para win32?


Unfortunately no.

hey i just want to say i think units takes too much food over time and it ruins fun to build up a army



1/10 its way to hard even on easy mode enenmys  keep comin and coming and i just cant make solders fast enough.

Hey! We'll make the beginner difficulty easier in the next version. Also, you'll be able to construct walls to keep them at bay. :)


hey here are  some suggestions  

i think the upgrade time takes too long: it make matches boring and long

all units feel the same: every unit feels like a upgraded version of the last 

here are my ideas

if u wanna make a good AI try making a self learning AI and put different version of it in the game so that it feels like your going up ageist something fair 

thank u good job q:

Do you mean that it takes too long to research new technologies? We had a lower value before and players complained that it was too quick. When there are more techs we will revise this.

We might look into self-learning AI, but it's too early to say if this will be a good option for us to implement or not.

Also, hopefully the new siege units will add some cool variation! :D
Down the track we'll also add War Chariots and naval warfare. :)
Thanks for commenting!

thank u 

yea i still think technologies takes too long to research it just feels boring. i feel like u need to cut the time in half at least 

i just want to say also, i am not a casual Gamer, i like competitive games like csgo and AOE II but i understand if  competitive is not wat u are going for

sorry for my spelling 

Are you able to have high food surplus while you research new technologies?

We're going to lower the knowledge required at least some for the next build. :)

We want the game to be competitive as well!

yea i have max but still feels slow 


Hi! You could also add a second level on some of the technologies. For ex.: having a cart that can carry 20 items when on level 2, or faster production of siege units. I'm really glad the game continues growing!


Played with three friends when steam was down. It worked flawlessly cross platform. Really good simple age of empires-esque game. Whack it on steam on early access and charge a few dollars.

That's really great to hear! We're considering Steam Early Access at some point. :)


After playing for 10 full hours with my friends in my free time, I have some problems:

Can't select more than 22 people - Don't know if it's intentional or not, but it's kinda annoying. 

Starting positions feel unbalanced sometimes.

Lag spikes, sometimes bad performance.

Disconnected me or my friends 3/8 of our games.

There were a few more, but otherwise a great game :) , continue doing what you love.

(1 edit)

Hi and thanks for commenting!

Max 22 selected units is intentional for now, because of UI and performance restrictions. Will probably change this in the future though. :)

We are working on balancing the map further for the next update.

The lag spikes are outside of our control. What server did you connect to, where were you located, and what was your ping? If you disconnect often, the connection to the server might not be stable enough, because of slow internet speed, long distance etc., that can cause lots of packages to get lost.

Linux is 32 bit ;-)

What do you mean?

Users of Linux 64 bit should use Microsoft Windows.

We will attempt to support all platforms no matter the preference! ;)


great game

Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it.


no problem, the music is really great too. is there a roadmap for new features at all? also if you kept a devlog that would be cool.

We don't have a public road map yet. Maybe one day we'll publish one, but we want to keep it a little bit of a secret still. :) We try to blog about past achievements and tech stuff from time to time, but we'll keep your comment in mind and try to do it more often!

Hello I'm having trouble establishing a connection with the South American server.

(1 edit)

Hi, I was able to connect to it now. Can you send a screenshot of what happens at your end?


Interesting game so far. Keep up the good work

Appreciate the comment!

hey just to  know 

will the game always be free or will you have to buy it in the future, 

will their be a healing unit,

will make maps for the game or always randomized, because i thick it will be better to have official maps

also here something i been thinking 

if you add siege equipment; it will be more interesting if you had to manually fire the siege equipment like a ability of some sort 

(4 edits)

Thanks for commenting:
- We plan to add a more complete version of the game to Steam in the future.
- At this point we have decided to not add any healing units, but it's not locked in stone.
- We don't plan to make official maps at this point either, but it might change.
- There weren't any catapults in Bronze Age siege warfare.


This game has an excellent aesthetic and is endlessly fun to play. Thanks for making this, I love the bronze age. This game really captures the era's spirit and couples with the strength of a classic RTS. It feels really inspired, I hope to see more in this genre. 

It's been a lot of fun to play; however, I've been having a lot of sync errors on multiplayer (US server). Is there something I am doing wrong? I'm just curious because it looks like it's working fine for others.


Hi and thanks for the feedback! Can you confirm that you played a game with more than 2 players when this happened? It seems to happen when there are more than 2 players, and often a few minutes after a player has been defeated. We haven't been able to reproduce the error yet, but we're looking into it!

If you get a chance to test the new version (, please let me know if that solves your out of synch problem! :D


doesnt work for my mac :/ it says the file cannot be specified, when i move the file to my desktop it says its damaged. love to play this if you have any solutions


Can you try to re-download the .dmg, and before you open it, can you try to extract the file to desktop and open it from there? Make sure you give permission for macOS to open it. It's worked for other Mac users, so I hope it works for you as well.


I might have explained this badly. Try opening the .dmg file from anywhere, but when you see a new folder with a sword icon, drag that icon to the desktop before opening the sword icon file. Let me know if that works for you. :)

sorry i didn't see this sooner thank you so much! i hope i dont sound annoying since you've had to re explain so many times! you have an awesome game btw :


My last direct, play with a friend with (in spanish)

Thanks for sharing, I had a look! :)


This is the most fun game I've found so far on Can't rate it for some reason, but I give it 5 stars. Thanks for supporting Linux <3

We disabled ratings, but appreciate yours!


It's looking pretty good so far, running smoothly on my version of Linux. I'd love to see some kind of campy story mode campaign someday down the line... Invested a good 6 hours so far. 

It's great news to us that we've been able to provide you with 6 hours of fun.  Hopefully we can add to those hours in the future with more content. A single player component is something we'd really like to add down the track.


Really love this game!

Reminds me a lot of the old RTS games and also Civilization games. The micromanaging is a lot of fun once you get a hold of how to play the game. Love the pixel art.

Props to you for releasing this for free. You seem like a nice guy :) . 

Thanks, appreciate the comment. :)


awesome game,  somebody wanna play against me  or team.

congratulation! very awesome game and inspiring, I wanna make a game someday. awesome. bless

Thanks for the feedback. Hope you give game dev a shot! :)

Can not find the specified files, i am in MacOS

Make sure you extract the file before opening it:
- Delete the file and redownload
- Extract the file to another folder
- Open the game


This looks so cool! I was missing some low end RTS.  Love the pixelart and isometric style graphics! Good luck with the project!

Damn, why did I have to find this right when I am heading to bed (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 

I, a friend have download the game for Linux, but in the zip several files are missing and the game does not start. I passed mine with all files and when comparing the downloaded I saw that these are missing:

  • The Fertile Crescent Launcher_Data: LinuxPlayer_s.debug
  • The Fertile Crescent Launcher_Data: The Fertile
  • The Fertile Crescent Launcher_Data: The Fertile Crescent_Data
  • The Fertile Crescent Launcher_Data: UnityPlayer_s.debug
  • The Fertile Crescent Launcher_Data:

I have the same problem. Downloaded the fresh zip from here (, it starts launcher/updater which quickly exits and game fails with exit code 0 but following output:

Set current directory to /home/queria/fertile_crescent
Found path: /home/queria/fertile_crescent/The Fertile Crescent Launcher.x86_64
/usr/bin/chmod: cannot access '/home/queria/fertile_crescent/The Fertile Crescent Launcher_Data/The Fertile': No such file or directory
xdg-open: unexpected option '--args'
Try 'xdg-open --help' for more information.

No such file is inside the zip, neither any of the ones mentioned in post above from Son Link.


Hey! I don't use Linux myself, but we have a ton of Linux users playing the game without issues, so I've asked around to see if anyone knows how to solve this. Will get back to you!

Yes, i canno't have this issue never, maybe the files has included on previous versions and not in the lasted

(1 edit)

Someone on our Discord channel had the same problem and managed to resolve it for him or her.

The files missing are part of the auto-update. That person's theory is that if you're behind a firewall or VPN, the connection to Google can get denied denied (the game files are located on Google Drive). So the proper files don't get downloaded, and thus the game crashes.

When that person is on VPN the fresh download crashes, but it works fine when the person disconnects his or her VPN.


Confirm, my friend use a Firewall, just turn off and works

(3 edits)

It could be that, i was on vacation and there was quite terrible connectivity. (no vpn used there)

But now i've retried again at home, and it does the same. Although this time i do have vpn active for work, but i would say correctly configured for only specific ips/dns to go through vpn, regular traffic/dns goes to my local router.

Just few empty .tmp files appears in _Data folder, but that's all.

-> % ll fertile_crescent/The\ Fertile\ Crescent\ Launcher_Data total 3.1M
drwx------. 2 queria queria 4.0K Jun 17 00:19 Resources
drwx------. 2 queria queria 4.0K Jun 17 00:20 loc
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria    0 Aug  5 13:28 4ed73eac-c9ed-4a86-a0c5-7b69c7cc3528.tmp
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria   38 Jun 17 00:19
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria    0 Aug  4 16:27 b80647d2-82b2-4132-b5c5-d08c581e8bdf.tmp
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria  123 Jun 17 00:19 boot.config
-rw-rw-r--. 1 queria queria  45K Jun 17 00:19 globalgamemanagers


How can i gather more info?

Is there a log file somewhere, some status files, or some url for me to test fetching (e.g. with curl or such)?

Btw i've just tested it on my desktop machine, where i had the game already from previous versions working, seems updating there works (it did some fetching&patching).

So seems as some bad state on the laptop? How exactly is vpn known to cause the issue?

Whenever I try to open on MacOS, it says that the "cannot find specified files" Any way to fix this?


Drag the .mdg file to another location.


That seems to work. Thanks bunch I'm really excited to start playing.


Cool game

hi,  how to achieve the pathfinding ? thanks.

You mean how we implemented the pathfinding? We started with A* and have tweaked it to our needs. :)

Thanks again!

Deleted post

Thanks for sharing your video! :)

Deleted post

also i can do pixel art and  canda voice act if you need help

We aren't looking for additional team members but appreciate the offer! :)

hey i just wondering for interest, will there be tournaments when the game comes out 

That would be cool! We will see what we can do.




please make a skirmish feature and autosave feature :)

One day ;)


please make more update its so fun

There will be more updates :)

The last version finally is working on Linux (in my case, Arch Linux)


Great! :D

Deleted 4 years ago

Can you try to download it again? I changed the configuration file to open The Fertile instead now. Thanks!

Deleted 4 years ago

Great! Finally. :)

With the last two updates on Linux my experience is not that great:

- there is no music/FX in the game any longer

- when the map loads, menus cannot be opened, bottom right UI elements are not responsive

- villagers can be selected but there are no actions available for them

Also it would be nice if you put a link to the game executable in the main directory, not just the updater, so I can launch the game like before and not going to the data directory and executing it from there.

Feel free to reach out if you need me to provide logs/screenshots/videos.

Are you on Ubuntu?

I'm not sure if this is related to the self-patcher not working as it should. We haven't really made any major changes to the game besides that. 

The missing music and SFX is interesting though. The sound system probably crashes and anything you do in the game causes problems because of that, since most UI elements play sound when you interact with them. Will try to figure out why this happens.

When the updater works as intended, you're supposed to use that as an executable every time you open the game so you always have the newest version. :)

I am not using Ubuntu, my distro of choice is Void Linux, it is very different from Ubuntu but the game was running fine prior version 0.6.0.X.

Tried with the latest version - the same bugs are still present. I do have a log of the crash, please take a look.

Thanks. The same errors happen for Ubuntu users. We're fairly confident at this point that the problem is with the sound system we use (FMOD). I hope it's an easy fix.

We'll launch a new version of the Linux updater that automatically sets the necessary requirements today so that patching the game should be easy.

FMOD, the music system we're using, has a bug with the version of Unity we're using for Linux, and they have fixed it in their newest version. We're going to upgrade the the newest FMOD version tomorrow and will upload a new Linux build then.


So good to be back! Thanks a lot!!!

If you find the time, please let us know if works better for you. It doesn't include the patcher system.


Nicely done w/self updater, kudos & much appreciate


Totally agree, much needed!
Looking forward to some real new content now that these quality of updates are out

There's still some rough edges that we will work on polishing moving forward, but overall the game is fairly stable and works well for most users, so we are thinking about new content updates.

Deleted post

When I was playing, suddenly I couldn't assign new tasks to villagers/army. They just stayed in the same place. This forced me to restart the game and lose my progress.
Despite that, I played it for 3 hours straight and can't wait to see the next updates. Good game!


Thanks for your feedback! It sounds like some code crashed. I'll go through crash logs and if you opted in for analytics I should be able to see what the problem was.

Deleted post

Hi, a friend and i have testing the Multiplayer and works very fine. I upload the game to mi YouTube Channel.

Thanks for sharing, I'm happy the multiplayer worked well for you!


can you update the game again because mac catalina dosent work

(3 edits)

Try this guide:

1. Control + mouse click The Fertile Crescent 0.5.4 execute and pick Show Package Contents.
2. Open Contents and control + mouse click MacOS folder and pick New Terminal at Folder (bottom of list).
3. Type "chmod +x The\ Fertile\ Crescent (if executable is on desktop, or else you need the full path)
4. Close terminal and Control + mouse click executable icon again, and pick Open.
5. When asked about being an unidentified developer, click Open.
6. From now on you can double-click the executable icon whenever you want to play.

Deleted post
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