0.5.2 - Team Games

This is one of the biggest updates we've released so far.
We're introducing team games in this build, and since victory conditions work a bit differently to most comparable RTS games, we had to think this through.
Other than that, we've also worked on general improvements, balance changes, and fixed many bugs.
Support for up to 4 players
Multiplayer now supports up to 4 players. Play 3vs1, 2v2, 1v1v1v1, or any other combination.
If you starve, are defeated, or disconnect, but there are still enough players and teams left for the game to continue, your units will turn into Revolters.
These units represents the chaos following the collapse of civilisation. They might be hungry, want revenge, or whatever comes to your imagination!
If you still have a Tribe Center these revolters will seek to destroy this building first. When that's done though, they will target random enemies.
You keep vision of revolting units, and you can keep chatting with other players. However, your revolters change team colour (to neutral), and you no longer have control of your people or any resources.
Team panel
Whenever you have one or more allies on your team, at top-right you'll see a team panel. It shows your team mates' colour, name and food stock, and if they're still alive. This was important to add so you don't feel too surprised when your team mate has starved, and his or her people have turned into revolters.
Chat improvements
Since chat is more prevalent in team games we've improved it. We also added team chat (hold SHIFT + press ENTER).
Adjusted movement speeds
Movement speeds have been changed across the board. The changes are most notable for Scout, Tribe and Light Spearman (previously named Militia), who are faster, and for Heavy Spearman (previously named Spearman), who is slower. The changes are negligible for other units.
Tribe Center placement
When you place your Tribe Center it starts with 100 hp. Your Tribe unit still adds 200 hp after successfully reaching it, but the extra 100 hp changes two things:
1. Early game is slightly faster since it's less work for villagers to finish constructing the Tribe Center.
2. An enemy unit can no longer destroy your Civilization Center with one hit before your Tribe unit reaches it.
Also, your Tribe unit is considerably faster now, so that you won't lag as much behind if you decide to scout for a better location than your spawn point.
New mouse icons
Some mouse cursors were blurry, since their texture size weren't power of 2 (this was especially notable for macOS users). All mouse cursors have therefore been redrawn and are no longer blurry on any platforms. They are also designed to be more visible.
For a list of all the changes, improvements, bug fixes etc., check out the change log below.
Change Log 0.5.2:
Team Games
- New map size: Large with up to 4 players.
- Select team in multiplayer room.
- At least two teams must be set for host to start game (up to 4 teams, so FFA is supported).
- All players must confirm be clicking 'I'm ready' whenever a player enters or leaves the room, or if any player changes team.
- In 2vs2 games allies will always spawn next to each other.
- When a player starves, is defeated, or disconnects, but there are still enough players for the game to go on, player's units will become 'revolters'.
- Revolters will first destroy your Tribe Center if it still exists.
- Revolters will pick random enemy targets when your Triber Center no longer exists.
- Added notification box with sound effect for when your ally is defeated, starve or disconnects.
- Holding down SHIFT when pressing ENTER to open chat box now opens team chat box.
- A message that is only sent to your team is shown as (team) next to your nick name in the message.
- You can now enter chat messages that occupy more than one line without bugging the chat messages.
- Shows up to 6 chat messages at once on resolutions lower than 1920x1080 to prevent overflow.
- Chat messages fade out after 15 seconds (up from 12).
- Chat message content is white (player name is still rendered in player's team color).
- Added background behind chat messages so text is easier to read.
- All players are notified in the chat when a player has left the game.
Tribe AI
- Tribe AI will not target one specific unit to defend against, but tell units to move in attack move towards enemy unit position, which means units will seek any nearby units on its way to the position.
- You will no longer be able to attack enemy buildings without the Tribe AI sending its defenders to defend it.
- Improved behavior for Tribe AI units going back to defender positions after repelling attack.
- Tribe AI will produce units more rapidly after each of the first five attack waves (this increases difficulty levels).
General improvements and changes
- Civilization Center starts with 100 hit points as soon as it is placed (up from 1 hp).
- Added 'Team panel' that shows who on your team are still alive and their food stocks.
- You can add units to a control group by pressing left or right SHIFT + NUM.
- Saving preference for map size when hosting games in multiplayer.
- Changed name of 'Tribe Center' to 'Settlement'.
- Changed hotkey for constructing Settlement to 'E'.
- If Tribe has placed Settlement and Settlement gets destroyed then Tribe unit disappears.
- When player is no longer alive Tribe unit disappears.
- Updated most unit descriptions.
- Slight changed blue tint of player 1 team color.
- Added tooltip for Open Technology Tree button.
- Changed existing How to Play page and renamed it 'Controls and hotkeys'.
- Now start with 80 food on SANDBOX mode (as in BEGINNER).
- Notifications last 8 seconds (up from 7).
- New art and animation for move indicator.
- Mid-bottom UI and aligned center of left-bot and right-bot UI so it looks better on small resolutions.
- Updated soil quality indicator sprites.
- Updated rally point animation.
- Showing attack symbol on mini map every 12s (down from every 15s).
- Showing attack symbol on mini map for 6s before it disappears (up from 5s).
- Updated icon for wheel technology.
- Updated icon for villager construct building button.
- Changed name of mining technology to 'Advanced Mining'.
- After exploring map after multiplayer game has ended, clicking menu button will take you to game over screen.
- Militia is renamed to Light Spearman.- Spearman is renamed to Heavy Spearman.
- Movement speed values are now changed to 0.27-0.36 for values 5-8 (from 0.304-0.364 for values 5-8).
- Scout movement speed is 9 (up from 8).
- Villager movement speed is 7 (up from 8).
- Light Spearman movement speed is 8 (up from 7).
- Heavy Spearman movement speed i 5 (down from 6).
- Tribe movement speed is 5 (up from 2).
- Axeman attack now ignores 2 armor (up from 1).
Bug fixes
- If someone force-quits the game or disconnects from server in the multiplayer loading screen, then the game will no longer crash; instead the player's loading bar gets removed, the game proceeds and the disconnected player never gets initiated in the game world.
- Fixed that Tribe unit didn't immediately move towards placed Tribe Center if part of a moving group.
- Placing a building to construct within attack range of garrisoning enemy ranged units no longer causes error.
- Updating bottom selected building UI correctly when placing Civilization Center.
- Showing correct construct time for Tribe Center in tooltips.
- Can no longer open chat whilst Technology Tree is open.
- Mashing 'W' and 'Return' no longer causes error.
- Current production portrait is no longer seemingly clickable.
- Removed flickering elements when leaving room and entering lobby.
- Fixed hotkey for producing Bronze Shield at Furnace.
- Fixed typos.
- Can now click through chat messages to select map objects.
- Fixed that player name didn't refresh correctly when typing a new name in connection screen.
- Fixed flickering between cursors when attack moving to a unit.
- Correctly resetting player state after attack moving.
- No longer showing if Farm is taken by farmer until Farm is completely constructed.
- Fixed wrong rally point offset when rallying to metal deposit.
- Selecting Farm now properly shows soil quality in bottom UI.
- Selecting a control group without a gatherer no longer causes error.
- Having Tribe unit in a control group no longer causes error whilst Tribe Center has been placed.
- Fixed that if Villagers were selected from control group then gather icons didn't show up properly, and farms taken icons didn't show as expected.
- Villagers in a group who are asked to take over a farm no longer walk back and forth multiple times before starting to harvest when they reach the farm.
- If connected to server, but then left multiplayer lobby and started a SP game instead, when going back to main menu from the SP game, the game will no longer open multiplayer lobby instead of main menu.
- Pressing 'ESCAPE' to close Technology Tree no longer opens menu prompt. You will have to press ESCAPE another time to open menu prompt after closing the Technology Tree.
- Fixed Furnace construct time.
- No longer showing farm taken indicator on farm constructed event if no villagers are selected.
- Fixed click sound on menu button in-game.
- Units who have garrisoned no longer loses the ability to be seen through buildings.
- Fixed two pathfinding issues that would happen when a single faster unit got blocked by a single slower unit who had the same path.
- Projectiles are no longer shown in fog of war.
Get The Fertile Crescent
The Fertile Crescent
Real Time Strategy game set during the Bronze Age in the Ancient Near East.
Status | In development |
Author | LincRead |
Genre | Strategy |
Tags | 2D, ancient, bronze-age, Isometric, Multiplayer, Pixel Art, Real time strategy, Unity |
Languages | English |
More posts
- TFC is exiting Early Access into 1.0 on SteamJun 04, 2024
- TFC: The Fertile Crescent is EA on Steam!Mar 30, 2022
- Game Trailer!Dec 08, 2021
- Steam Multiplayer Demo and Tournament!Nov 16, 2021
- - Video Development Blog, Balance and Bug fixesNov 08, 2021
- - Minor maintenanceOct 10, 2021
- - Minor maintenanceSep 30, 2021
- Steam page announcement (with link!)Sep 21, 2021
- - Reworked wall and watchtowerSep 13, 2021
- The future of TFC: The Fertile CrescentAug 30, 2021
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