0.5.5 - Ranged units overhaul

Ranged units overhaul
Ranged units now also deal melee damage (in addition to ranged damage), and they are prevented from dealing ranged attacks when an enemy unit is standing next to them. They deal less melee damage than ranged damage. This means that if you can get up close to ranged units with melee units, the ranged units will be partly neutralised, especially by the fact that they can't collectively focus their ranged attacks on single targets when this happens. Furthermore, most ranged units now have a slower ranged attack ratio.

Damage units garrisoned in Watchtowers
Bowman and Slinger now damages random garrisoned units when targeting a garrisoned Watchtower. Garrisoned units gain 2 armor and still benefit from the useful protection against melee units. If the Watchtower is not garrisoned these ranged units will still deal siege damage to the building.

Javelinman's role
Javelinman now functions further like a hybrid between a ranged and close-combat unit. It has a more powerful but shorter ranged attack compared to other ranged units, it has decent siege damage but can't target garrisoned units, and it can protect itself better in melee encounters compared to other ranged units.

Improved map generator
Maps now have a more predictable and fair balance between fertile and arid land. The minimum amount of fertile land spawning next to your tribe has increased. Also, there is now a minimum and maximum number of metal deposits on any given map.

Farming productivity balance changes
We felt it was slightly too hard to build up an army whilst transitioning from foraging to farming, unless Plough was researched, and we think this has have caused a lot of early starvation. We want Plough to be give a nice boost to farming, but we don't want it to be an absolute necessity from the very beginning, because this limits your options for play styles and tech tree paths. Therefore, we've increased default farming speed slightly. To make up for this change, Plough's percentage extra farming productivity has been reduced. After researching Plough, your farms will produce at roughly the same speed as in previous version, so it's mainly farming speed before Plough is researched that has been affected by the changes.

Gathering resources from an area is more predictable
It could be hard to clear specific areas of fertile land off trees. Villagers kept finding the next resource of the same type that was the closest to the previously depleted. This meant that villagers could end up far away from where you initially asked them to gather the resource. Now, villagers will only gather resources in proximity to where you order them to, or the location of the rally point. This should make it a lot more predictable. No more villagers disappearing and having to repeatedly send them back to the area you want to gather from. Also, when they've depleted all resources in proximity, they will now move to the initial location to idle and wait for further instructions.

Control group single building
This was a community request. You can now add a single building to a control group by holding CTRL + NUM. Double-clicking NUM will move the camera to the building.

Help button in-game
If you've read the How to play pages in the main menu, you've probably noticed it was only accessible from the main menu, and not in-game. This was annoying, since these pages are a sort of reference for the game rules. So if you wanted to look up a hotkey or refresh a topic, then too bad, you had to quit the game you were playing. We've added a help button that opens these pages in-game now, and it pauses the game in single player, so you can take your time and go through the topics without stressing.

Bug fixes
As always, we've also worked on bug fixes and other small improvements!

Some examples are a bug that would cause serious performance stalls, a bug that made the enemy AI way too easy to kite, a bug that would cause the game to crash, and a bug that caused weird behavior for melee units when they attempted to find an enemy to attack in crowded situations.

Change log 0.5.5

Ranged units
- Bowman and Slinger will now aim for units garrisoned in Watchtowers and each hit will damage a random garrisoned unit
- Garrisoned units gain 2 extra armor
- Thrown javelin travels 20% slower
- Improved all ranged units' attack animation timing and arrow positioning
- Projectiles aim towards enemy unit's chest region (was feet)
- Projectiles can travel behind other objects that are in front of them (based on elevation)
- New sprite for rocks thrown by villagers

General improvements
- Villagers now find resources of same type to gather in the proximity of rally point or where they were first ordered to gather resource, instead of continually looking for the next closest resource from their own point of visibility
- When villagers can't find more resources to gather they will now move to the location of the initial resource ordered to harvest and idle for further instructions
- Tech Tree Manager pauses game in single player so you have time to read through technologies, learn about them etc., and not risk starving or attacking raids while you do
- Notification lasts 10s (from 8s)
- You can now X out notifications
- You can now add individual buildings to control groups
- Double-clicking NUM to select control group with building moves camera to building
- Updated map generator to more evenly and predictably distribute fertile and arid land
- Can now see unit's hp above garrisoned units (enemy can do as well)
- Now always showing melee damage, ranged damage and attack range for units in UI
- Melee units are now much better at finding the closest enemy when it's crowded
- Slider values in settings now shows 0 and 10 (from 0 and 1)
- AI on EXPERT difficulty produces units slightly faster over time

How to play pages
- Added how to play pages in-game (help button is located top-right)
- Opening How to play pages pauses the game in single player
- Added a subsection about revolters in multiplayer games
- Added advice to forage before farming in farming section
- Rewritten some sections

Unit balance changes
- Slinger attack ration is 2s (from 1.5s)
- Bowman attack ratio is 2s (from 1.5s)
- Javelinman attack ratio is 2s (from 1.5)
- When an enemy unit is next to ranged units, ranged units will now defend themselves with a dagger
- Bowman deals 3 melee damage
- Slinger deals 3 melee damage
- Javelinman deals 5 melee damage
- Light Axeman no longer gains increased armor when Copper Helmet is researched

Other balance changes
- Farming produces food 5-8.5% faster without researching Plough
- Plough now increases farming speed by 15% (down from 25%, even if it said 20%)
- Spawn rate of Fruit Trees slightly decreased
- Minimum fertile land spawning next to your tribe has been increased
- There is now a minimum and maximum number of metal deposits on each map depending on map size
- Starvation until revolt happens now lasts 120s (from 90s)

Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that would dramatically stall performance when a garrisoned Watchtower was destroyed
- Selecting an enemy Watchtower after having your own Watchtower selected no longer leads to bugs and crashes
- Double-clicking unit whilst holding down SHIFT repeatedly no longer causes the same units to be selected multiple times
- Using select idle villager function now cancels building state
- Allied defeated message shows correct player color
- Fixed a bug that could lead to odd group movement
- Fixed a bug with alpha mission enemy tribe AI that made kiting with ranged units very easy
- Fixed up several unit animations


The Fertile Crescent 0.5.5B.app.zip 40 MB
Apr 14, 2020
The Fertile Crescent 0.5.5B Linux.zip 41 MB
Apr 14, 2020
The Fertile Crescent 0.5.5B Windows.zip 42 MB
Apr 14, 2020

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