0.5.5E - Important bug fixes

Thanks to our friendly community who have been reporting bugs, so we have been able to reproduce and fix them. 

We've also gone through crash logs reported to the analytics service we use, and tried to fix them all. Most of the errors reported as crash logs are rare occurrences, for example affecting less than 5 players in a weeks timespan, but optimally if it's possible the game should never crash for anyone! 

We've done some heavy testing before uploading this build,  for example 2vs1vs1 with massive armies attacking each other at once, and we've done so without encountering any errors. We therefore hope this build doesn't cause any problems and is fun to play. :)

If you encounter any bugs, we really appreciate it if you let us know. It helps improve the game!

Change log 0.5.5E

Balance changes
- Mining 1 metal takes 3.6s (from 3s)
- Advanced mining decreases mining speed with 50% to 2.4s (from 25% to 2.4s) 

- Description of Composite Bow shows increased attack range value instead of percentage increase 
- Description of Composite Bow now also describes increased vision range
- Press 'H' to open how to play pages in-game
- Selecting a control group resets building placement state

Bug fixes
- Fixed a rare crash that could happen if a unit reached a target unit that no longer exists
- Description of Composite Bow attach range increase now is correct (said 33%, and 50% is correct, now showing attack range value instead)
- Description of Apothecary now correctly describes that it increases health regeneration by 150% (incorrectly described 100%)
- Fixed a potential problem that could happen when a unit fired a projectile, but the unit died by the time the projectile hit the enemy
- Fixed a bug that in rare cases could prevent a villager from ever finishing to construct a building even though building was constructed
- Can no longer select more than 22 units by holding shift and double-clicking a villager
- Can no longer double-click to select multiple units of same type while holding down shift
- Fixed a rare crash that could happen during deselection of a unit that no longer exists
- Fixed a rare crash that could happen if a group leader tried to find a path to an object no longer existing
- Fixed a rare crash that could happen when enemy waves village center was destroyed
- Removing units until you have no more villagers selected by holding shift now correctly removes farm indicators
- Fixed a rare crash that could happen when villagers attempted to move back to a resource that was depleted
- Fixed rare errors with random numbers that could crash the game
- Building a Clay Pit on the bottom edge of the map no longer crashes the game


The Fertile Crescent 0.5.5E Windows.zip 42 MB
Apr 22, 2020
The Fertile Crescent 0.5.5E Linux.zip 41 MB
Apr 22, 2020
The Fertile Crescent 0.5.5E.app.zip 40 MB
Apr 22, 2020

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